No Way to Judge a Winner
First off, media and the folks around always ask, Who won? How the fuck do you rate that? There's no score-keeping system. There ain't even a standard of performance. Near as I can figure the goal is to see who can make the other one look like a bigger fool.
As far as Hillary and Trump go, Hillary's goal is to make Trump look out of control, thin-skinned, ignorant, and most important, weak. Trump's goal is to make Hillary look like a cold, calculating, DC bitch. Those goals are doable, easy even. The trick is to pull it off while getting kidney punched yourself.
Point Is Getting Voters Out
So what was the result of last night? From what I hear, both got a bit of what they wanted. But will that change anyone's mind? Nope, no fucking chance. Besides a tiny bunch of fence sitters, most folks' minds are already set.
But what it might do is more important: Get your folks motivated to vote for real OR get the other folks to waffle and stay home. Votes win elections, not poll numbers. People get off their asses and vote either 'cause they worship their candidate or 'cause they believe the opponent is scary as shit.
Don't know how that's going to swing this far ahead. Will Hillary supporters fall deeper in love with her and/or froth at mouth to stop Trump? The opposite? Will Trump supporters do likewise? How will the voter turnout nudge November 2nd? Which team'll show up at the booths more?
Won't Make No Difference
Frankly, I don't give a fuck. With Hillary we get the usual DC nuthouse. With Trump, we get some new flavor of crazy. Either way, I don't see a nobody like Vanholio getting his views turned into law and action. The rich fucks will still be in charge.
Way I see it, this here USA is a country ruled by one party, the Billionaire Corporate Party. Democrats and Republicans are just it's two wings. Your choice is between Coke and Pepsi.
Voting is just a ra-ra high school game to make you feel like you're part of "the team." You're not. You're a bench-sittin' rube who buys overpriced tickets and hot dogs. Wearing the winning team's $100 jersey don't make you no kind of winner. It makes you a sucker.
What's the Solution?
You say, Oh wise Vanholio, what then shall we do? How shall we find justice and make a better world? Fuck if I know. I ain't got a workable idea so much as I'm just pissed off. Not proud of it, but that's how it is.
Vanholio could move to another country. But I bet they're run by assholes too.
Hey, Beer Vanholio! He works hard on this blog.
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